Deacon Pat's Books

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Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Blessings of My Life....

I can hear my son in his room playing his guitar and singing a song that he appears to be writing. I also can hear from the opposite direction, my daughter playing a new song on the piano in the family room. And yet another sound, my wife on the computer, reformatting a notification post on Face Book Groups, making sure that she notifies everyone of the upcoming "Be Not Afraid Holy Hours" designed to strengthened catholics and families.
You probably wonder where I am going with this.
I am blessed with having and belonging to a family.
I am surrounded by life, creative and joyful life.
I can hear music surrounding me, beautiful music, and can witness loving service as well.
We were created to be a part of something larger than ourselves, we are social, and we find our fulfillment in interacting, communicating, and living with others.
Life is so much larger than just ourselves. We can only experience life through witnessing and sharing in the lives of others.
God has and continues to bless me in my life and I hope to never forget how his love impacts Me each and everyday.....
Thank you Lord for allowing me to smell the roses along the journey.

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