Isn't it funny that when you are a
young child, you think your parents are so smart; there isn't anything that they don't know, or any problem that they cannot solve.
Then........ as one approaches the teenage / young adult years, all the sudden, our parents don't really know much, at least not much as it relates to us....
As life progresses, and the young adult turns into an "Adult," has children of their own, their parents once again miraculously gain an abundance of wisdom and insight.
I just ran across some words that I wrote as an adult about my relationship with my Mom, and I must say, in my younger adolescent years, I was far from the most obedient son, and at times, the respect given to my parents would not of been considered honorable, yet as I matured, my respect for my parents grew tremendously.......
As previously written, my thoughts were and are as follows:
My Mom
You are so much more than any word can describe.
You have taught me so much:
the true meaning of Love;
the ability to see good in everything and everyone;
that life really is "simple;"
to not only forgive, but to allow others to forgive me;
the holiness in suffering;
true humanity;
the joy of serving others;
and most of all, our faith and love in God.
Also, what is so remarkable about you is that you taught me so much without words.
It was by observing your response to life and all that came with it that I learned so much.
You are truly the best mom I could of ever received from God.
Love, Pat
A day doesn't go by that I don't reflect on some part of my personal history, my experiences, especially when attempting to solve a dilemma, or see God's hand in the event.
This reflection often includes, at least on some level, a component that includes my father or mother. My Father died ~ 15 years ago, my Mother ~ 1 1/2 years ago, however, they continue to teach me each and everyday through my memories of them, their actions, their behaviors, their relationships, and through new insights related to just how wise and special they really were.
I love you both, Mom and Dad ........ More than I will ever be able to show....
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