Deacon Pat's Books

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Monday, March 02, 2009

Prayer Is Like Brushing Your Teeth

We all know how tarter and "stuff" can build on teeth from just eating, drinking, and just plain existing. It can only be removed by brushing your teeth.
Sin and negative "stuff" can build up on us by just existing in this world. However by prayer, acknowledging our failures, asking for help, experiencing true remorse, it can all be removed....
However, Mortal Sin, those acts that completely separate us from God warrant Confession....
One of the greatest healing sacraments that catholics possess is the freeing sacrament of confession........
Use it or lose it.... use it and you repair the disconnect, you repair the communion.
Don't use it, and you continue to fade away from God, his saving grace, you begin to lose all connection with him......

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