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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sacramento Diocese "Heroes" Youth Convention Redding California Is A Huge Success!!!!

Over 700 youth showed up for the Sacramento Diocese
Youth Convention held in Redding California.

Here is Bishop Soto with APEX.

You have to see this to believe it......

Bishop Soto having a nice conversation with the youth and my wife over lunch.

What a beautiful day to relax and just take in the day.

I see you Carson Weber (Director of Evangelization)

Everyone enjoyed all the outside activities.

Here is Sean and Brandon having fun the the over sized Basketball and Basket.
Mass with the Bishop.

We were blessed with having multiple priests celebrate with the Bishop.

What an honor to be a part of this special event and the Holy Mass with the Bishop.

Father Brian (Emcee) directing me to my spot for Holy Communion.

I was honored to serve with the bishop at mass.

Here I am with Deacon Gassman.

He was in one of the first Deacon classes in the diocese and I was in the most recent class.

Youth and wisdom, what a team!

Well I say youth (Don't listen to the kids), I feel young anyway, its all in the eye of the beholder.

80 year old ladies still call me young.

My daughter Mackenzie even played a few games while she visited me at lunch.

Mr. 'C" and Mercy High School Kids.

Way to go Mr "C," did I hear "No homework passes" if you went to the youth convention?

Brandon and my son Sean

I met so many nice youth groups.

We have 50 different youth groups represented at the convention.

This just cracked me up!

The adult size jungle gym was a hit for the youth, the seminarians,
as well as the priests and parents.

It was a beautiful day, about 80 degrees.

How do you feed 700 Youth....... Turkey and Ham sandwiches I Guess.

All the youth had an opportunity to choose a particular class topic in the morning and the afternoon lead by a variety of teachers. Here is Father Brian leading a class in the morning.

Yes, Father Brian is an intelligent man,
a Holy Priest, but he can also dance..... he calls himself a "Fool for Christ."

How exciting to have youth from all over the diocese motivated to learn more about their faith.

The Apex Guys we very Talented, Funny, and had a deep spiritual message to share.

We had a professional sound system and crew
that made the music and the speakers sound great.

The full day ended with great music and a dance......

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