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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Theology of the Body - Excellent Workshop!

Theology of the Body is an integrated vision of the human person - body, soul, and spirit.

It was originally presented by Pope John Paul II as a series of short reflections over a period of years, and it has since been collected into a single volume known as the Theology of the Body.
Theology of the Body has been called a "ticking time-bomb" and a "new sexual revolution" waiting to explode, and it has important things to teach about sexuality, identity, marriage, gender, the Eucharist, and much, much more.

Basically, Theology of the Body is designed to teach that the physical human body has a specific meaning and is capable of revealing answers regarding fundamental questions about us and our human existence.

Why were we created male and female?
Does it really matter if we are one sex or another?
What does the marital union teach us about God and his plan for us?
What is the purpose of the married and celibate vocations?
What exactly is "Love"?

This Saturday
April 4, 2009 (9am - 4pm)
Rev. Chuck Kelly
Will be presenting this wonderful workshop on the Theology of the Body.
It is not too late to sign up.
Only $25 for this workshop at
Bishop Quinn Catholic Center
21893 Old 44 Drive
Palo Cendro, CA 96073
Call (916) 733-0123 or
to sign-up, or for additional information.

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