Many Christians met on the steps of City Hall in Redding CA and began a
Stations of the Cross Walk through the streets on Good Friday.

The line of participants went on and on and on.

We would stop every 1/2 mile or so and gather to pray the station.

We had such a large crowd that we needed to use a megaphone for the prayers.

We had to stop traffic every time we crossed the road, yet no one complained about the wait.

Everyone took turns carrying the heavy cross.

There is something about carrying the cross and actually feeling the weight of our own sins as Christ must have experienced it, at least to some similar degree.....

We alternated each station, one was prayed in English and then the next in Spanish.

This walk was once a youth event, but it has transformed into a
whole church event over the last 10 years.

I was so impressed with how attentive everyone was at each station.

You could feel the holiness flooding through our streets.

We would stop in front of stores and pray as a united group.
Here we are in front of the Christian Book Store.

Is this embracing the cross or what?

The youth would take turns praying at each station as well.

Here is David and Michael Waters and my son Sean.

What a beautiful day for a walk.....

I enjoyed the variety of participants: Anglo, Filipino, Hispanic, Young, Old
and everything in between

At this point we have almost completed the walk,
we are just around the corner from the final destination, the church.

Our final prayer before carrying the cross into the church and
beginning the Good Friday Services.

Hanging out in the Church Grotto awaiting Good Friday Services.
The Stations of the Cross Walk has become a tradition over the last 10 years, making the spiritual walk a great opportunity to embrace the passion.
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