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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day With The "Kearns"

We woke up and gave Liz her corsage and then off to Mass....

What a great MOM she is.

Then we packed up the truck and told Liz that we were taking her on a picnic, but didn't tell her where!

Lets Go!

45 minutes later - we were at Mount Lassen Park.

We laid out the food

The kids were starving so we "chowed down."

Hey wait, Prayers first!!!!!

Must be "Girl-talk."

Check this out, click the play button.

Here is Sean and his friend Steve. Is that synchronized kayaking?

What a peaceful day

A Beautiful Day

Mackenzie and I jumped in the double kayak and off we went.

She is a great partner.

Yes we think we are pretty cool.... Where does she get it?

Beautiful wildlife - creatures from God surrounded us.

Sean teaching Steve how to kayak (his first time)

TURN Left - your other LEFT!

Happy Mother's day - You are the greatest!!!

Mother "in training," she has the best teacher.


Girl Power

Team work

Check out the girls.......pretty good - click the play button to see
Did you lose MOM?

Mackenzie is turning into quite a fisherman

The inlet into the lake (it was full of fish)
I could almost reach down and grab them
See what I mean

Where is my NET?

No Sean, you can't use your hands to fish, that would be called "Grabbing."

There were hundreds of fish making their way from the higher mountains into the lake.

This looks like the makings of a water fight (Freezing water).

Sean is getting serious! Hey I thought your not suppose to stand in a Kayak?

Why - Humm

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