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Sunday, June 21, 2009

How does a Father teach a Son?

Yes, some sons will listen to the words of a father, but for the most part, sons learn from watching their fathers and mimicking their actions.

Working together on projects are one of the best opportunities for a father to teach a son.

The son will learn how the fix things, but more importantly, they learn how to problem solve issues. They learn how you approach obstacles, how to be resourceful, how to do things right, often starting over once your realized that there is a better way, a way that will last. They learn how to learn from mistakes, and how to avoid repeating them.

Most men don't just like to sit around and visit. They like to build, to create, and to fix. More teaching (including life issues) can be done in one afternoon working together than in 10 dinner table talks.

Some of my best memories and lessons learned were working side-by-side with my father.
So repairing a Yard sprinkler system isn't always about getting water to flow, it sometimes is about raising a Catholic Son and instilling Character and teaching virtue.

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