Deacon Pat's Books

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Friday, June 12, 2009

Saint Augustine - What is a Christian?

Prior to Saint Augustine's conversion he stated:
"The trouble with these Christians is that their religion is not just faith and not just knowledge either. It is a way of life. A man is a Christian only when he lives that way."
Lets think about this.
Our religion is not just Faith.
Nor is it just Knowledge.
It is way of life.
A man is a Christian only when he lives that way.
Being a Christian really isn't just having faith, or knowing the faith, it is about living the faith.
Long ago I can up with a personal motto and directive in life that I have always tried to live by.
It is as follows:
"Our actions, not our intentions define who we truly are."
How many of the people sitting in the pews today would Saint Augustine consider Catholic?
How many people who claim to be Catholic, would Saint Augustine confirm as such?
How many who even work for the church, teach our children, truly live the faith?
Isn't the Christian life truly radical in contrast to secular paganism?
If so, do you appear truly radical to those around you?
If not, can you honestly say you are "living the faith," can you really even call yourself a "Christian?" or better yet "A Catholic?"

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