Deacon Pat's Books

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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Marriage Homily

Just finished my homily on Marriage for this weekend.
Initially I wasn't schedule to preach for 2 weeks but I received an e-mail from Father Jonathan asking if I wouldn't mind preaching a week earlier instead because the readings were on marriage, and in his words, he though it might be better for a married Deacon to preach rather that one of the two "Unwed Fathers" (i.e Priests).
I really enjoyed praying and writing the homily today, I couldn't help but think of how wonderful my wife is, and the gift and example of my parents who are now both in heaven and am sure were directing my writing today from God's side.
I hope and pray that I will be able to deliver the message well and that it just might inspire at least a little.
I will post the homily later in the week. (No sneak previews- Sorry, you have to come to Mass)

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