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Sunday, October 11, 2009

Feast of the Divine Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

"The Holy One to be born shall be called the Son of God." (Luke 1:35)
Back in 1881, James A. Garfield was elected President of the United States. His mother lived near Cleveland, Ohio. He wrote to her asking her to come to his inauguration. She wrote back that it wouldn't be proper for her to be there. He wrote back, "I'll not go without you."

So they traveled together to Washington D.C., stayed at the same hotel, and when it was time for the ceremony, they drove in the same carriage to the capitol, where over 100,000 people were waiting.

What a surprise when the president-to-be climbed the high platform with his mother and before all the dignitaries; governors, judges, foreign ministers, and government officials, and the sea of faces before them, President elect James A. Garfield gave his honored chair to his mother. After his inaugural address, he walked over to his mother, put his arms around her and kissed her. The crowd was thrilled with this devotion of a son to a mother.

President Garfield was later martyred but the people remembered that beautiful thing he had done, sharing his honor with his mother. Of course nobody felt that this act of love took away the power and prestige of the presidency.

Now we can understand why Jesus, the Son of God, wants us to honor His Mother. Lets consider three things on this Feast of the Maternity of Our Lady:
1. Mary is truly the Mother of God.
2. As the Mother of God She claims the greatest dignity next to God.
3. As Mother of God we must honor and venerate her above all other creatures in Heaven and on earth.

The greatest joy of a mother is to see her son honored and respected.
Mother Mary experienced that joy. She knew that Jesus was God from the Archangel Gabriel's message: "The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Most high shall overshadow thee. And therefore the Holy One to be born shall be called the Son of God."

Yes, the Son of Mary is called the Son of the Most High, the Son of God. As soon as Mary gave her "fiat", the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity took a body and soul in her most chaste womb. From the very first instant of their existence the body and soul of Christ were united to His Divinity.

Jesus has two natures, divine and human. He is One Divine Person who is true God and true Man. This is what we celebrate today, October 11. Mary gave Jesus His human nature, which was instantly joined to His divine nature. Therefore Mary can be called and is the Mother of God!

As Mother of God, Mary enjoys the greatest dignity next to that of God Himself. A weak helpless maiden becomes the Mother of the All-powerful and eternal God. A creature becomes the Mother of the Creator! Every title on earth fades to nothing when compared with the title, "Mother of God." Just like President Garfield wanted his mother honored as mother of the president, so too Christ wants His Mother honored as Mother of God, Mother of Jesus.
Because Mary is the Mother of God, because she enjoys a place next to God Himself, it is only right that we honor and venerate her above all creatures. Of course we don't adore or worship her as God. Only God is adored and worshiped! But we do honor, venerate and respect her, and we hope that everyone will do the same!
May Mary, our Mother, the Mother of Jesus Christ, true God and true Man, lead us and the whole world to the Sacred Heart of her Son. Amen.

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