Deacon Pat's Books

Deacon Pat's Books
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Saturday, October 10, 2009

Our Lady of Mercy "Rosary Rally" in the Grotto (Beautiful)

After the 5pm Mass many gathered in the Grotto for the Rosary Rally.

We are very blessed to have a Pastor (Father Jonathan) who joyfully supports such a variety of devotions and makes everyone feel loved and cared for.

Marilyn Elder organized and EmCee'd the event (She did a great job).

Dennis Grady led us with the Ave Maria

Take a quick listen....

A variety of parishioners took turns leading different aspects of the devotion.

Doesn't he look like a proud Father watching his own?

You might think it took a charismatic turn....
but they were just raising their hand for a prayer sheet!

All ages attended

Lee leading the Divine Praises

The faithful gathered

Deacon Pat (I like that guy) Led the Consecration to Jesus through Mary.

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