Deacon Pat's Books

Deacon Pat's Books
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Sunday, October 18, 2009

A quick trip on the Bay (San Francisco)

Kevin was feeling a little better today and took the opportunity to "get out of the house."
We took a quick drive to the dock and hopped in Kevin's Boat.
After some maneuvers, we were out of the slip and pointed in the direction of the city.
Here are two of my brothers (Kevin - recovering from Cancer, and Tim)

In no time, Kevin revved up the two huge engines
and we were flying across the water towards San Francisco.

Even though this quick trip did expel a lot of Kevin's physical energy, still very weak from the Chemo and Radiation effects, being out on his boat, feeling the cool wind, experiencing the ocean, did a lot for his spirits.

Thanks again everyone for the prayers - I have been told by, no kidding, by hundreds of people who are praying daily for my brother and his recovery.
We could feel the graces surrounding us!

We have turned the corner, still difficult, but healing is visible and recovery IS an option. We are hoping for 1 more tough week and then the radiation effects should begin to start to slowly diminish. Hopefully a good night sleep can then be obtained. Then in a few weeks maybe swallowing can occur, eating then to follow..... and then -

- The sky is the limit!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seeing you boys out doing what you love with the peeps you love brought a tear to my eyes. Moments like these can not be taken for granted as you know. Prays still flowing for ALL of you.

