Deacon Pat's Books

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Saturday, December 19, 2009

An Evening Mass - Youth Directed

In preparation for Christmas, many of the parish are meeting each evening for Mass.
This 9 day novena is a long standing tradition from the Filipino community.

However, tonight, the mass was sponsored by the youth and young adults.

There is something very special about gathering each evening together as a "Family" to experience Christ not only in the Eucharist, but in the community.

All ages gathered together as a family, a catholic family.

A young adult lector.

Father Uriel using a chair as a prop.

Explaining how the prophet Jeremiah wore a yoke while he preached to signify our burdens.

The presentation of the gifts.

The liturgy of the Eucharist.

Holy Communion

The gift of Christ.

Baily - Youth Leader

Father's Blessing

1 comment:

Judith Ferguson said...

A great reminder that the Church is alive and well, and the youth have not abandoned it! We are finding in our parish that in many ways, the youth are setting the good example for the adults.