Deacon Pat's Books

Deacon Pat's Books
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Sunday, January 03, 2010

A Day Too Beautiful To Pass Up!

It was 10 am and Sean just returned from Mass (I went last night). I asked Sean what he was going to do today, he replied "I don't know."

Then Sean asked me what I was going to do today, I replied "I don't know."

Then we looked at the "web cam" on the mount Shasta Ski Park and saw blue skies, we both looked at each other...... and off we went.

We arrived at the park and were greeted as promised with blue skies and 45 degree weather.

Sean ran into one of his good friends (Brandon) and the boys were off. Thank God since I can't keep up with Sean (But don't tell him that).

Here is Sean getting off the lift at Douglas.

Sean heading down the mountain to the snow board terrain park (jumps, rails, etc.).

We couldn't have asked or prayed for a better day.

Sean ran into even more friends at the park.

OK - my turn to do a little skiing.

On the lift and off I go.

It is kind of fun riding the lifts, I try to never ride alone, I like meeting new people. The people are as varied as you can imagine, but are always interesting.

OK I made it to the top. Lets check out the map.

Choices, choices...... Hey I see a trail called easy street, that looks like my kind of trail.

Check this out!

I couldn't believe that on such a beautiful day, there was hardly anyone skiing.

Wow, where did the time go, the sun was beginning to set.
I better head back down the mountain.

Is that the lodge I see ahead?

Yes....It is the lodge.

Well, I don't see Sean around, I bet I have time for a drink.

The Bar (Is that Guinness I see on tap - Far Left).

Nothing like a cold pint of Guinness Draft
(Better known as the Blonde in the black Dress)
while I wait for my son to return.

OK - I see Sean and the Guinness is gone, I think we can call it a day.

Not just a day, a perfect day!

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