I know some of you might be thinking that they had an ulterior motive, or something like that but that isn't where I am going with this. It was a pleasant, short discussion / visit, and uplifting.
My thoughts: If more Catholics had a evangelical spirit, like these two ladies, what would our church look like today?
These 2 older ladies were driving to many houses, to greet strangers, and to talk about the love of God, the future, and our purpose.
What do we do on Saturdays?
How do you think God views these ladies (Disciples).
How do you think He views us?
Humbling - Isn't it!

I myself felt very inspired by these two humble ladies, it didn't matter to me that their faith is in many ways different from mine, they were living their faith, they were acting upon their faith, they were trying to spread the good news, they were trying to the best of their ability to make a difference in this world.
I am sure that when the time comes, God will greet them and say "welcome home my good and faithful servant."
The questions that I've been known to ask, when I meet someone with someone who displays Godly devotion, in the field are, "Do you know the Bible well enough to teach it?" and "Would you like to?" Christians are commissioned to teach all Jesus has commanded. (Matthew 28:20) The Christ was not trying to fill churches, He wanted to turn hearts to His Father.
When I visit my neighbors, I might let them know that I can't change their religion. That is entirely up to them. I heartily encourage you to engage one of my wonderful sisters or brothers in the progressive Bible study program that they offer. Being raised Roman Catholic, I was pleasantly suprised at the treasures from Genesis to Revelation.
Thank you for the comment. I am sure they have a wonderful bible study program. The only problem that I would quickly run into is the differences in theology. I have read a number of their magazines, good articles, but often they discuss a theology that opposes or contradicts Catholic beliefs.
There are many wonderful Catholic BIBLE STUDY programs such as Jeff Cavins "The Great Adventure"
that are more in line with my beliefs.
The problem with embarking of a journey to learn, one must have trusted teachers, otherwise you spend so much time discerning what is actually true, that new learning is limited and what is learned is quite confusing.
I would not recommend a Catholic who is studying the faith to use material from another denomination.
Yet, once the Catholic has been formed in the faith, then reading material from other faiths is often a good idea. The Catholic will then possess the tools to discern the differences, and in actuality, helps strengthened the faith.
Thanks again for your comment and God Bless!
I have been thinking about you "Bible Student."
You mentioned that you were raised a Roman Catholic. Don't you miss receiving the Eucharist?
The source and summit of our lives as Catholics is receiving Jesus, Body and Blood, every time we go to Mass. He real body becomes one with us.
It isn't just a symbol, it is Him. Did you really walk away from that?
Knowing the bible, you know that Christ instituted the Eucharist at the last supper, and told us to continue doing so. It was the everlasting gift He gave us. He also gave us the other sacraments, like confession, did you really walk away from that?
I don't mean to be offensive, but you can always return home.
Thank you for the invitation! I find enticing someone who may have gone astray, quite welcome. At the beginning of his ministry, Jesus compared his conversation with the Samaritan woman to a satisfying meal.
What strikes me as odd, is rather than offer reconciliation with the living God, you ask if I miss the prescribed methods.
But I’ll answer.
Not so much, in fact since our denominations have the same origin, we just have different methods.
As you offered, Christ instituted the Eucharist the evening before he was killed. Each year on the anniversary of that event, Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide commemorate it’s importance. This year on March 30. You’re invited! Even though all of our meetings are open to the public, we make a special effort to bring our family and friends to this special occasion.
As to confession, living up to our dedication to God is not always easy. Since all in the congregation wishes to keep it clean, confession takes a variety of forms.
A Christian might have offended someone and needs to apologize. Or he might have made a mistake and needs to admit it. If someone commits a serious sin, he needs to humble himself and confess to the elders.
I apologize for not replying sooner. Monday is my meeting night. I hope you have questions.
I am thankful to my high school Catholic Religious Education teachers. Encouraging interfaith and comparative religion lessons has always kept me open to another’s beliefs.
Please take no offense, none is meant.
Dear Bible Student:
Thank you for the comment. You seem like a very nice person. I am not as much an apologist as I am a servant. I do understand that we have differences, like the Sacraments...I think you called them methods, but they are much more than that to Catholics. The Sacraments are outward expressions of inward graces instituted by Jesus.
I do understand that for many in other faiths, they don't understand what I am mentioning completely, because they don't understand the catholic faith.
Even many Catholics that were catechized after 1964 for the most part don't understand their faith very well. That is why so many have fallen away. If they really understood the faith, they would of never left.
I love my faith and I understand it. I could always learn more and will continue to try.
Almost everyone I know, no matter what faith, who studied the catholic faith, or even the Christian faith, beginning with the early Fathers of the Church, have become Catholic. It is inevitable if truth is really what one seeks. The Catholic church to this day, and will always hold the fullness of the Christian Faith.
It was they Church that Jesus established under the direction of Saint Peter and to this day has been shepherd by a pope (As Jesus Planned).
With that said, Are Catholics in some way superior to people of other faiths, I don't think so. Jesus can be very creative in his methods.
Watch this short video, it will elaborate further on this point:
So does everyone have to become Catholic to get into heaven. I believe not. Again Jesus is much more creative than I can understand.
Some people have no desire to become catholic. I don't understand why, but I am sure they have reasons.
So, I praise you for the life of faith that you are living, yes I wish you shared my understanding of the fullness of the faith, but at the same time I will respect your desire to live your beliefs.
May God bless you and forever keep you.
Deacon Pat
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