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Sunday, January 17, 2010

A Real Catholic Family

What is a Real Catholic Family you might ask?

It is a family that has a Father as the spiritual leader.

It is a family that has a mother who fills the home with her love.

I am sure that a "Real Catholic Family" can have a variety of faces and situations, but this family radiates their love of Christ and of each other in a very special way.

Tim is the leader of the home. He is the provider, the protector, and the head of the household. He is the primary teacher of life, values, and character. He leads by example and accepts full responsibility for the family without excuse. He is a Man!

Cindy is the heart of the home. She has dedicated her life to her family. She embraces her role as a wife and a mother and realizes that the most important task and responsibility that she will ever have is held within her vocation of marriage, being a full-time Home School Teacher and homemaker. She makes the home what it is, an oasis of love, peace, and comfort.

The Children are the products and the result of living a truly Catholic life. These kids are gifts from God and Tim and Cindy realize it. These children are receiving parenting, true parenting, and because of such they have been educated in the faith, realize virtue, hard work, responsibility, understanding, and forgiveness, and will make a difference in this world. I don't necessarily mean in worldly standards, but in God's eye they will be recognized as good and faithful servants.

My hats off to you, Stinar Family, you are bringing God's light into the world, are beacons to those around you and you don't even realize it due to your genuine humility.

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