Deacon Pat's Books

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Monday, January 18, 2010

Saint Lawrence

Saint Lawrence (By Deacon Lawrence)

Saint Lawrence is the patron saint deacons. He is depicted here wearing a dalmatic, the vestment of the deacon. In his right hand he holds the book of Gospels and in his left he hold a chalice. Deacons are ordained to a ministry of the Word and the liturgy in addition to their service to the people of God. Behind him is the gridiron and the fire that were the instruments of his martyrdom. His role as a martyr is also represented by the palm.


Deacon Jimmy said...

These renderings are absolutely amazing. Saint Stephen is also the patron saint of Deacons and we celebrate his feast every year on Dec 26th with a special mass with the Bishop and all Deacons, Acolytes and Candidates present with their wives and family. I wonder if Deacon Lawrence is considering doing an artistic rendering of him?
Thank you for sharing this artwork.

Brian said...

Thanks for letting the world know about the work of the Permanent Deacon. So many people do not have an understanding of this very important and vital ministry.

St. Lawrence is a perfect model for all deacons.

God bless!!!