People focus on physical attractiveness, clothing, hair, cars, houses, and possessions, yet they often forget about Loyalty, Perseverance, Love (not lust), Compassion, Faithfulness, etc.
I often find myself looking at a situation or an event and then ponder the question: "How would God see this?" My thoughts and reactions usually take a 180 degree turn, because He doesn't look at the world, or in fact us, as many of us look at each other.
There are many people in this world, in our lives who are so beautiful, yet they often go unnoticed. Their beauty can be seen clearly if you know what you are looking at. I have come to believe that no matter how externally beautiful a person is, it will fade in time. Yet those special individuals who possess that inner beauty, their attractiveness and beauty only becomes more vibrant and radiant.
So what are the qualities in others that your eye picks up on in this world?
Take a moment and think about it.
If you do this self-evaluation honestly, this will reveal something profound about you. I don't mean to say that this will be good or bad, just profoundly truthful. Living in the truth allows us to grow.......
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