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Monday, February 08, 2010

Men's Group Tonight

Greetings Men:

I wanted to shoot a quick note in preparation for the Monday Night Men's group (7pm - 8:30 pm) at OLM so you can begin to ponder and reflect on the evening's topic.
Our Presenter will Be Todd Schmidt. He is a Graduate of Notre Dame: Civil Engineering and Theology - "Magna Cum Laude," experienced as a Youth / Young Adult Minister and a Missionary (Peru).
He will be presenting:

Peruvian Parish Life and Spirituality: My Experience as a Catholic Lay Volunteer.

I think tonight will be a great lead in to the rapidly approaching season of Lent.
As we all know, Lent is a time of deep personal reflection, preparation, and evaluation of our commitment to the Christian life.
I look forward to seeing you all at the gathering.

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