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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Christian Friendship

A month or so ago we had a few friends over and Tim noticed that we had a huge, really huge, pile of asphalt in our backyard. He offered to bring his tractor over and help me do something with it. 

Well, he offered again last week and I took him up on his offer, especially since my son Sean and I have been trying to deal with it (The massive pile) for over a year now. The project was just bigger than we were.

I had this idea that we could fill my raised garden beds with the asphalt, leaving 12 inches for topsoil. I must admit however that Sean and I had attempted this with shovels, attempted unsuccessfully.

Well - A Tractor "aint" no shovel....

....and the boxes were filled with little effort and in no time!

As we worked together I began to think about this Father and Son....

They were sharing their TIME, TALENT and TREASURE with me.

I am sure there were many other things they could be doing on a Saturday morning, but they were freely offering their time, their skills and knowledge, and their tractor for my needs.

Then I began to think about what lesson and values Tim was instilling in his son Jake. He was showing him first hand what it is to be a Christian Friend.

Friendship really is about helping each other travel though life and sharing ourselves with others. We know deep down that living in this world really means living in communion with others, not isolated, but in relationship with those around us.

It didn't take long and the project was finished.

We could raise our heads high, as well as our tools, and say: "Job Well Done!"

A job that had been attempted in the past, had become to seem almost impossible, but was completed within 2 hours with the help and generosity of two Christian Men and the Sharing of their 3 T's (Time, Talent, and Treasure).

Life can be so enjoyable when we take a few minutes to slow down and examine all the blessings we have in our lives, and 

the beauty we possess in our families, our friends, and the simple pleasures that we all too often take for granted, or even forget to notice.

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