Deacon Pat's Books

Deacon Pat's Books
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Sunday, May 09, 2010

The Perfect Mother's Day / Anniversary

Today was not only Mother's Day, but our 18th Wedding Anniversary. So we gathered the family....

put on some nice clothes....

Hopped in the Cars, Mom and Dad in the Truck, Kids behind us in the car....

Hey.... Too Close Kids!

Are we drove to Nello's Place.

 Lets go in girls.

Nello's is a nice Italian Restaurant.

It was so much fun, having mother's day with the kids.

Reminding them that we were also celebrating our Wedding Anniversary 
that enabled Liz to be a Mother, bringing them into existence. 

 Italian appetizers.

My beautiful wife. Our first date was 20 years ago tomorrow.

Sean's first taste of steamed clams...He loved them!


Shrimp Salad

The Salad was delicious.

Mackenzie loved it also.... But "NO SHRIMP!"

I really enjoyed the great conversation.

Mackenzie is quickly growing into a lady right before our eyes.

I received my dinner, Spaghetti and Meatball....

Mac and Sean both ordered the homemade Lasagna (They said it melt in their mouths).

Liz ordered the Fettuccine Alfredo.

That isn't my wine is it? Just kidding!

The waiter and owner, finding out that it was our anniversary, 
brought us a special drink that was a longtime family tradition for anniversaries, it was delicious.

No special night is complete without a family sharing a dessert.

What a great meal and special afternoon, celebrating together as a family, 
but did you really get enough to eat?

Ok, Ok, I get the point!

We thanked God for the blessings in our lives, said good bye to the kids 
(they were now off to youth group) and then we went to have a drink.

We arrived at Guadalajara where our friends, Elsa and Armando own the restaurant.

We really only wanted an after dinner drink since we were stuffed, but....

since our friends are so hospitable, they would have nothing to do with just that, and soon more food arrived.

So Liz enjoyed a blended margarita,

I had mine on the rocks,

and we enjoyed each other's company with yet again delicious food.

Then we completed the night with a nice walk on the sundial bridge. What a perfect day and evening. Life just doesn't get any better than spending time with those that you love and realizing that family and relationships are Everything!

1 comment:

Lori Duivenvoorden said...

Pat you do a very nice job at capturing the good times........Looks like an ( as Sean would say) AMAZING day....So happy for you guys.We feel the same way about family. Shelby's boyfriend Neil said to us tonight that his uncle who is 92, a wonderful, kind man, who happens to be worth a few million dollars told him that his success came from always keeping 3 things in the proper order...1. God 2.Family 3.Business (job, work,etc).....such a good example for those young ones to see! :)
Anyway, great blog tonight!