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Thursday, June 24, 2010


I have been thinking about Sarcasm and people who are sarcastic. 

I have a difficult time with Sarcasm, often not realizing, at least not initially, that someone is actually being sarcastic.

Have you ever noticed that many other cultures don't understand sarcasm.... they don't find sarcasm humorous at all. Actually, what is funny about the content of sarcasm?

Sarcastic statements are usually demeaning, rude, unflattering, mean, and spiteful. Yet they are disguised with a smiling face and administered camouflaged  for the evil they represent.

I have often pondered the idea that the person who finds themselves using sarcasm usually has within them an anger or resentment that cannot be self-contained and flows out onto others through sarcasm.

I have yet to know a healthy, happy and balanced individual who is sarcastic. 

Yet I have known, and even witnessed in myself (at times of imbalance) sarcasm that is a direct reflection of the turmoil that existed from within.

If we have a tendency to use sarcasm, we should take a close look at the words that we actually use and what we are saying. Take away the smile, and the choreographed timing, the intent and the words are just down right mean. Where is that anger and meanness coming from?

Sarcasm is just a tool to socially disguise our negative feelings of others and the world around us. Yet how many of you actually like be the the recipient of sarcasm? I don't! Do you?

The next time a so-called friend is being sarcastic, lets ask that person why they are so miserable. Let's help them see the meanness in their words and actions, and be a force of light and truth to the world around us.

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