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Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Stopped By The Monastery Today

It just so happened that the Vina Trappist Monastery was right on my way as I was driving to visit my brother Mike today, so I stopped by for a quick visit.

There is something so very special about this place that as soon as you enter through the gates a peaceful feeling overcomes you.

It is a very holy and beautiful place.

And guess who I saw.... my special friend Brother Raphael. I enjoyed a quick visit with him, as I have mentioned before, he is a very holy and wonderfully joyful spirit.

Even a few moments with this special man uplifts my spirit. 
I don't see him often, especially since he lives a cloistered life.

All of the monks are special and I am sure it is their spirit, prayers, and connection with God that resonates through the monastery and gives it that feeling of such warmth and peacefulness.

The I remembered that I was out of wine so I stopped by the Tasting Room to pick up a bottle or two. Raphael recommended the Syrah, he said it had won a few awards.

A little about the Monastery and Vineyard.

So - I bought 4 bottles, it is good wine.

Couldn't wait to get home to try some of the wine that my friends grow and make...... Holy wine for sure.

With a nice flavor....

1 comment:

Dave_0512 said...

I always enjoy the trip north to Vina. Need to go more often...thanks for posting the pix.