Deacon Pat's Books

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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

We Made The Spiritual Ascent - Climbing God's Mountain.

My brothers, along with our sons made the spiritual journey up 
Half Dome in Yosemite National Park on Saturday.

This was a "Guys Only" trip - reserved for Men's spirituality.

Here is my son Sean taking in the force and beauty of God's creation.

The views were spectacular.

Although the weather report threatened bad weather, 
God gave us a perfect day.

We climbed to 9000 feet.

There was something so special about making a spiritual climb.

Father and Son experiencing life together.

We were a group of 8 men making this journey of over 15 miles, 11 hours of hiking, and a climb of over 4500 feet. Here is my brother Kevin, the eldest brother who just 7 months ago was battling Cancer with Chemo and Radiation therapy treatments. He is amazing!

My brother Dan, my training partner, we hiked for 3 months together preparing for this climb. 
We prepared well Dan, thanks for you support, your kindness, and for your joy!

The waterfalls were indescribable.

This is the mountain that we climbed. (With God's help)
The Adventure Begins
We reached the top!

1 comment:

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Marvellous. Magnificent.

Thanx for sharing your adventure with all of us. Great pictures with brilliant videos and music.

You're very generous - thanx.

Some parts of the climb looked very dangerous. Presumably one of you had to climb first to fix the ropes for the rest of you to get hold of.

God bless you and your family and friends.