Deacon Pat's Books

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Sunday, July 11, 2010

We Made It - 150 miles of Kayaking (A Men's Spiritual Retreat)

Here is the group of men who had enough guts to set out on a 150 mile "Men's Spiritual Kayaking Retreat."

We packed our kayaks with gear and off we went. Here is my son Sean.

Here is my rig, a double kayak packed with everything you could think of......

Here we are leaving on the adventure.

We had some great camp spots.
Sometimes in campgrounds, and sometimes like here on a sand (or boulder) bar.
We fished

We ate

We laughed

But we also experienced many moments of pure holiness and were engulfed in His Grace.

Here we are 150 miles later..... 
Tired Yes, But A group of men changed in many ways.
Check out the videos below and see why.

Part I of the Adventure

Part II of the Adventure

Part III of the Adventure


Concord Pastor said...

Glad you're all back home and safe, Pat! I have four comments:

1) The whole trip/retreat was a great idea - praise God that you followed through on it.

2) Cherish the relationship you have with your son, Pat. Few fathers and sons share what you two do. I didn't have that and it's a blessing just to see it in others.

2) My favorite part of the videos: the Gilligan's Island piece. It really did look like Gilligan's Island!

3) Is there really a place named "Latrine Beach?" And if there is, why would you want to stay there? :-)

Deacon Pat said...

Thank you Father..... I have an amazing son and love every minute that we spend together.... as for latrine beach, we named it such due to the stagnant pool it had. We hoped to paddle 25-30 miles that day, but the sand bar I planned at stopping at was no where to be found. So after an additional 5 miles we were happy to spend the night at "Latrine Beach."

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Great videos. Good music. And professional editing.

Thank you so much for sharing your adventure with us.

God bless you Deacon Pat, and your family too.