Deacon Pat's Books

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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Does Your Wife Really Know That She Is Loved?

Life can become so busy that we can forget at times just how blessed we are to be loved by our wives.

As spiritual leaders of our families we need to make sure that we regularly spoil our wives and remind them just how special they are.

And what lady doesn't enjoy the beach.

We arrived at Gold Beach, Oregon and found a hotel right on the beach.

We checked in and quickly found the trail to the beach.

There is something so peaceful and refreshing about the breeze and sound of the ocean.

Escaping away from the usual routine and usual distractions allows for those great discussions and talks with the one who truly is your soul mate.

Taking time to break away and enjoying your spouse can help a marriage so much.

So many of us men are served so well by our wives, but we often fall short in serving them, nourishing them, and showing our love to them, at least to the degree they deserve.

Just making sure that they (our wives) know how much they are loved, not just in words, but in actions, allows them to shine!

There is so much beauty in life.

But if we don't slow down and look for it, it will often go unnoticed and pass right before our eyes.

One of the most beautiful things in life is "A Loving Wife."

Marriage is a gift from God and is to be cherished and never forgotten just how sacred it is.

Without that special person in your life, now matter the beauty around you, there is a huge void.

Men and women are meant to be together, we are called to unite and become one, 
one in spirit, soul, and mind.

1 comment:

Victor S E Moubarak said...

What a coincidence Deacon. My post today, written a week ago in draft, is about this very subject.

God bless you and yours.