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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Crash - Life can change in a heartbeat

Yesterday my 16 year old son was rushing off to the college for class and less than 100 yards from the house he crashed. Sean is a good motorcycle driver, but life can turn in an instant.

He hit some gravel, lost balance and slammed into the road.

His bike will need a lot of work but Sean walked away with just a few minor scrapes and cuts. 
Yes there are some bruises but mostly his pride.

I realize that what God has given to us can also be taken away in an instant. Yes motorcycles can be dangerous, but this really isn't about motorcycles. Life can be altered in many different ways. The real issue is, are we thankful for what God has given to us, for who knows how long, and are we taking advantage of every opportunity to spend time together, love each other, and appreciate each other.

Thanks for the wake-up call God and allowing us more time with our children.


Clear Creek said...

Bicycles must be more dangerous than motorcycles, since two of our sons had serious road rash, not "just a few minor scrapes and cuts," and the third had his little finger dislocated at two joints. The doctor said that was interesting, and he had never seen it before, and went yank, yank, and fixed it.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Praise the Lord your son is well.

I am praying for you and your family.

God bless.