Deacon Pat's Books

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Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Feast of San Lorenzo

Yesterday was the Feast of the Filipino Saint San Lorenzo.

We began the day with the Holy Mass.

We invited Father George from across the river as well as Father Jovito from down south the serve with Father Jonathan.

We were blessed with such a holy mass.

And Inspired Preaching.

Followed by the traditional procession.

There was such joy.

Tradition is such a huge part of our faith.

It is often our Filipino and Hispanic communities that remind us of the importance of ritual and tradition.

And then into the hall we go for fellowship.

The carving of the Pigs!

I have to say.... Filipinos know how to have fun!

And we like to eat.

These celebration help remind us that we are really one family.

A family from different cultures.

Different backgrounds.

But also, we have many things in common.

We love to eat....

and eat.....

but most importantly, we love to share our lives with each other.

Thank you for sharing the Feast day of San Lorenzo with us.

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