Deacon Pat's Books

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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Parish Festival 2010 (Our Lady Of Mercy)

We had a great Parish Festival today.

I think we sold a thousand tickets.

For a 50 cent ticket you could have anyone you wanted arrested.

I think every daughter should spend just a little time in jail....

and a good friend.....

maybe even a young priest.....

but especially every son!

The Karaoke singing was great.
But what I love the most is the food....

The Mexican food was delicious.

But my favorite is always the Filipino food.

The prayer booths were powerful, in English and


Two girls working the festival.

And here is Gary, who along with his incredible extended family, organized the whole event! 


As for the kids, they love the games.

What kid doesn't enjoy playing in the water on a hot day?

Where did that bean bag go?





Water Balloons



More Crafts.....Must be a girly thing?

And a great place for the little ones to hang out with stuff just their own size.

It was such a joyful atmosphere.

But most of all, we had so much fun.

All good festivals need a raffle.

Especially when every parishioner just knows that they have the winning ticket.

And then all that is left is to count the money. 
Just Kidding! 
But it will sure help cover the cost for repaving the parking lot.

But don't go home yet, we still need to clean up!

I was just blown away at just how many people showed up not for the festival, there were 100's for that, but those humble servants who came early and left late so they could help with all the "behind the scenes" work.

You can't say we have a powder-puff priest.
He rolls his shirt up when there is work to do....
well as long as there is a corona to drink afterwords...

Now that  the clean-up is done..... time for rest!

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