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Friday, October 01, 2010

Our Lady Of Mercy - "Spiritual Hours"

Our Lady of Mercy - "Spiritual Hours"

Thursdays 6:00 pm- 7:15 pm (Chapel)

The "Spiritual Hours" are much more than a holy hour. These unique gatherings were inspired by Blessed Mother Theresa who stated that the fruit from the Spiritual Hours could not only change families and society, but would change the world.

Each nine weeks a new theme is offered that utilizes education "Catechesis," prayer, devotion, and brief discussions.

We are taught each week through the use of DVD's by men and women such a Blessed Mother Theresa, Pope John Paul II, and Cardinal Arinze, not to mention numerous other inspiring and holy leaders of the faith.

These gatherings are designed to educate us in the faith, provide spiritual nourishment, and help direct our lives through connection with the deep Traditions of our faith, Catholic Dogma, and the Magisterium of the church.

So who would benefit from such "Spiritual Hours"?

Anyone with a desire for greater fulfillment in life, a yearning for a closer relationship with Christ, and a  hunger to experience the richness of Catholic Tradition.

Do I have to attend all nine weeks?

No, although each nine week session (Novena) has a common theme, each week is delivered as a unique and stand alone complete session.

Is there any commitment?

No, Only a commitment between you a Christ.

Who Leads / Guides these Gatherings?

Deacon Pat and Liz Kearns

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