Deacon Pat's Books

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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Prayers of the Faithful (intercessions) October 16, 2011

29th Sunday Ordinary Time (Year A)

·       That the leaders of the church, in the spirit of Paul, preach the gospel not merely in words but in the mighty power of the Holy Spirit,
 ………………..Let us pray to the one who alone is Lord.

·       That as the Lord guided Cyrus for the sake of Israel, God will guide our country, its leaders, and its citizens, that justice and peace will be signs of our trust in God,
 ………………..Let us pray to the one who alone is Lord.

·       That like the apostles, all the people in the church may live their faith, and labor in love for the poor, the homeless, the imprisoned, the persecuted, and the sick, and that by God’s power the suffering of all may be relieved,   
 ………………..Let us pray to the one who alone is Lord.

·       That all in our community may know what is God’s, and what is Caesar’s, and may have the courage so to live,
 ………………..Let us pray to the one who alone is Lord.

·       That all who have recently died, especially the innocently aborted, that they quickly find themselves in the loving and eternal grasp of God’s arms. 
………………..Let us pray to the one who alone is Lord.

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