Deacon Pat's Books

Deacon Pat's Books
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Saturday, July 13, 2013

Rules of Life (Catholic)

So often I am asked by Men and Women, "what can I do to feel more connected to God in my life and to feel more peaceful?"

I often share my rule of life with others. It isn't that I always follow this rule, but when I don't, I lose focus and different aspects of my life suffer because of it. Time after time, when I return to the rule (guide), my life regains balance and my inner peace returns.
Rules of Life – Deacon Pat

Rule  #1 - Liturgy of the Hours (Divine Office) Morning and Evening
Rule  #2 - Daily Mass (if Possible) / Read daily readings  
Rule  #3 - Daily Rosary
Rule  #4 - Simple Diet - No between meal eating 
                (Abstinence from meat on Fridays)
Rule  #5 - Fasting 1 x week (Bread and Water)
Rule  #6 - Adoration 1 hr / week
Rule  #7 - Daily Exercise
Rule  #8 - Weekly Mass
Rule  #9 - At least Weekly Service to the Poor / Widowed / Imprisoned / or Sick
Rule #10 -Monthly Confession / Routine Spiritual Direction

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