Deacon Pat's Books

Deacon Pat's Books
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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Vina Monastery Picnic

Brother Raphael, Brother "Deacon" Placid, Deacon Pat, Father Paul

Liz, Mackenzie, and I had a wonderful time at the monastery today. What a beautiful and peaceful place. It was so nice to talk and catch up with the brothers who for the most part live a cloistered life. I participated years ago in a spiritual group lead by Father Paul that met every 3rd week with Brothers Raphael and Placid. These men became very dear friends of mine over the 5 years that we met together. I feel such a deep closeness to them and my heart just drops when after going 6 plus months from seeing them, that they say, "I have been praying for you, your wife, and your children almost every day." :)

These monks inspire me to be a better person and remind me of the holiness and value of simplicity!

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