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Sunday, May 13, 2007

Spending Quality Time With My Daughter - "KOOTS"

Poison Oak - The trails were lined with this deadly leaf...
The Mountain has a very unique appearance.
My beautiful daughter leading the way.
Our lizard friend, Ol Blue head..
Almost at the end of our journey, Good thing we had a map, we were only lost once, OK maybe twice..
Who is that handsome mountain man.
Even better looking close up, well at least to my wife...

What a great day

Today is mothers day and my wife is currently on a pilgrimage in Europe, so what do we plan but a great hike to enjoy the great day. My son passed on the opportunity to hike the "CRAG," so my fearless daughter was up for the challenge. Well, today turned out to be one of those rare days that a father cherishes in his mind for many years. I spent a large part of the day with my daughter, talking, laughing, singing, telling stories, and getting to know her a little bit better without interruptions or distractions. Although I feel that I spend a great deal of time with my children, it still surprises me how much I don't know about their thoughts and ideas, especially as the grow so quickly. My daughter just turned 11 recently and she is rapidly growing intellectually. She has such a wonderful mind, inquisitive, and FUNNY. Kids grow so fast and I don't want to miss any of it. Mackenzie, AKA "Koots" (to close family members) and I made a promise to spend QUALITY time (at least a little time if not more) each weekend with each other.
Children are such a beautiful gift, who want so much to be loved and to love themselves. They naturally exhibit God given qualities and view life with such clarity, Oh can we learn so much from them at the same time we share what we have learned.....

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