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Saturday, December 01, 2007


Liz, Mackenzie and I, as well as a few Friends, went to see this movie tonight. I was told ahead of time that this was a great Pro-life movie.
But what I wasn't told , was that this was and is a GREAT movie.
I don't think I have ever seen such a movie that encompasses the tremendous pain associated with innocent death, and such a beauty of life.
Without giving away the movie, I do think that it does capture so beautifully the inner thoughts of someone contemplating abortion as well as the lost beauty of life, and all that life encompasses.
This is a must see for all adults and youth. If you for what ever reason do not have strong pro-life convictions, you owe it to yourself to experience this film. You have been bombarded with such pro-choice propaganda for so many years, I think this film with negate the deceptions that have been relentlessly drenched upon us.
I was told that the Planned Parenthood people are furious about this movie, even though it doesn't reference them at all, but I do see why.
Truth can be very frightening, when you live a life of lies and rhetoric.
OK, enough said.
Great, Great Movie.
Click to watch the trailer:

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