100 Days to Freedom (FREE) PDF Workbook


Free PDF Version of 100 Days to Freedom

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Daily audio recordings can be found on The Catholic Journey Podcast with Deacon Pat Kearns 

Podcasts from Deacon Pat and Friends (www.TheCatholicJourney.NET)

Deacon Pat's Books

Deacon Pat's Books
Click on book to be taken to the Amazon site.

Saturday, February 02, 2008



kkkkkkkk said...

can u tell me the name of the background music cos i like it so much!thx..

Deacon Pat said...

The Music is by Brian Flynn. www.brianflynnmusic.com

I met his sister Erin while on a mission trip in Guatemala, Their whole family are exceptional musicians, I really enjoy Erin's music as well, but there is something very special about Brian's music.