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Monday, March 17, 2008


Elijah Ascends to Heaven in a Chariot of Fire (2 Kings 2 )

The Prophet Micah (Micah 1)

The Prophet Samuel Blesses the Future King Saul (1 Sam 9)

Zechariah's Vision of the Four Chariots (Zech 6)

The Prophet Amos (Amos 1)

Daniel in Babylon (Dan 2)

The Prophet Ezekiel (Ezek 1)

The Prophet Isaiah (Isa 6)


What is a prophet in the Bible?

It would be better to call them a "Seer." A person who meditates, contemplates, and knows through the grace of God what God intends. This is a person who possesses a close relationship with God.

A Seer can see what is occurring around him and others and "size it up," especially in relation to God.

He doesn't necessarily see into the future, as if he can predict the future, but rather understands peoples actions and related consequences through supernatural enlightenment. He is often called to be the interpreter of God to His people. He is capable of giving guidance, encouragement, and even point out the evils that exist. He spoke of the goodness of God, His desire to be close to His people, and His expectations that the people follow His teachings.

Who were some of the prophets in the Bible (Old Testament)?

Major Prophets:

Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel

Minor Prophets ( Not less important, but less writings):

Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micha, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi

What about prophets in the New Testament?

John the Baptist, Simeon, Zechariah, The Apostles, and the Greatest of all Prophets is God Himself (Jesus)

Did the New Testament replace the Old Testament?

Is the Old Testament now only for the Jews?


Pope Benedict (Joseph Ratzinger) said it best in the document of the Pontifical Biblical Commission, when he stated that Christians and Jews are fundamentally united in as much as both accept the same divine revelation, with the difference that Christians believe that such revelation continued in Jesus Christ.

Christ cannot be fully understood if the divine revelation present in the Jewish Scriptures (Old Testament) is excluded. As such, Christians honor a legitimate Jewish reading and understanding of the Hebrew (Old Testament) Scriptures.

Are we asked to be Prophets in today's world?


Who knows the ways and person of the Father better than his sons and daughters. Who loves their Father (Righteous Father) more than his own children. To love someone is to also obey, respect, cherish, follow, and desire to please that person. In doing all that I just said, is in not to help reveal to others who our Father is and what His ways are?

Cannot the idea of Prophesy be as simple as helping others to the best of our ability to become the best person that they can become?

If God has revealed some insight to us, should we keep it secrete, or rather share it with others?

If I have been enlightened to a method of living and enjoying peace in my life should I not share that Knowledge?

If I have been allowed to make poor choices in my life, experienced suffering, and then through the grace of God have experienced forgiveness and healing and now possess the knowledge of escaping the clutches of evil, at least to some extent, should I not share that profound wisdom with others?

I was once told that prophesy is to comfort the oppressed and inflict the comfortable. I am not sure that is my role in life, but to help the inflicted is, and if comfortability is separating a person from God and I am aware of that separation, if I can somehow, with love as my motivator, help a person see the eternal light, should I not help.......

I personally don't think that a person in today's world need to possess supernatural abilities to be a prophet, but rather allow God to use you in his divine wisdom, to be a catalyse of change and growth for others.

It is not about what we can do, but rather what we allow God to do with us that can make the difference if not just for one, but for many in this world.......

Go forth and Be a Prophetic voice to the World.

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