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Monday, March 17, 2008


What is a covenant?
Covenant is the relationship between God and the people he has chosen. It is God's pledge or agreement that if we serve him, in turn he will care for, protect, and help us.
Were there different Kinds of covenants in history?
Adam and Eve:
God created a covenant by creating and living with Adam and Eve. He cared for them and was present with them.
God chose Noah and his family to save and then pledged to never again destroy the people again, giving us the rainbow to be a sign of his covenant.
Willing to follow the commands and direction of God, even to the point of being willing to sacrifice his only son, Issac, God pledged to give him offspring "as countless as the stars in heaven."
With Moses, God established his chosen people, "the people of God." He gave them the law, the 10 commandments and promised to deliver them to the promise land.
King David:
God stated that his offspring would be the messiah. Promised that his thrown would be eternal. God gave to David a personal kingship which would be a precursor to Jesus.....
And Finally, Jesus
Who replaces all other covenants.
God gave us himself, who is everything and all that can be.
What does the idea of covenant mean to us today?
We are a people of God, all of us. We are to, and should want to follow God and his ways. By doing so, we are to care for, love, and look after all of of God's people, and God has promised to take us to the ultimate promise land, heaven.
As God established leaders: Abraham, Moses, King David, Peter, Paul, The Popes, Saints, Bishops, Priests, Deacons, and Lay leaders, we all should be leaders in the sense of taking our faith and putting it into practice.
Our covenant with God, our relationship with God, His promise to us, reminds us of the "Good News" that we are loved by God, he wants to be with us forever. We are his children, made so through baptism and through Jesus. We have been given the Holy spirit to help guide us, and to strengthen us to live holy lives and to continue to grow closer to God until the day that we are joined with him in heaven......
(That is my story and I am sticking to it)

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