Deacon Pat's Books

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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Touched By Grace

It happened to me again today.
A person came up to me and stated the she had been thinking about me. She mentioned something that I had said some time ago and that it had stuck.
I had forgotten that I had ever stated such a thing, until she reminded me.
It was a brief spiritual conversation.
I then began to think.
Do we really know what situations in our lives and in our conversations that have some sort of impact on others?
I am often surprised by the insignificant conversations or situations that later I am told were huge events in other's lives.
I wonder how many times a simple word, or short conversation, also received a little help by God, and the receiver heard something significant in the conversation; something that touched them deep in their heart and soul.
As I reflect back on my life, I can recall a variety of events that at the time I didn't give much significance to, but now reflecting on them, they were literally transformational in my life.
Do we truly know the power, positive and negative, in our actions; especially when they are joined by God or by the devil?
If we understood this concept clearly, do you think we would want to think through our behaviors and reactions a little more before we acted.
How many times have we caused great hurt in someone and we walk away without knowing the harm we have caused.
I pray that I can be aware of the consequences of my actions, be aware of how I affect others, and pray that the Grace of God will intervene, especially when I act contrary to the way I should, and never place undue distress on others.

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