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Saturday, August 02, 2008

We Had a Great Time In Guatemala

We had such a great time in Guatemala again this year. We were only able to go for 2 weeks this year but we feel as if we left this world and entered another. I have included a few pictures on this blog, but if you are interested in seeing more, check out our Guatemala Blog to get the full picture of this special place.
Here we are returning home
Sean listening to music on the flight.
This was the view from the roof of our home while in San Lucas. Every morning I would get up early to watch the sunrise and pray my morning liturgy......I could feel the holiness that surrounded me.

We hurried to the airport for a 8:00 am flight only to find out that our flight was delayed 3 hours. However, we were already Guatemala - ized, not a big deal, we rolled with it, and played music while we waited. Here is Sean and Mackenzie and our friend Nicole.

I already miss the serenity of Guatemala.

This gives you a little idea of the landscape as we walked around the lake.

This is Lake Atitlan and behind us is San Lucas Toliman. Yes that is a volcano behind us.

Check out this cool family - Hit the play button.

This is a small village of Pococ in Guatemala.

Click the play button to see why we just love these joyful people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow, very special, i like it.