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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Death Of America

November 4th - was the death of America as we have come to know it.
I have felt for some time that things might just need to get significantly worse before they will get better. I was hoping that I was wrong, but it appears that my insight might just have been accurate.
We are now to begin the fight of our life.
A fight in which Orthodox Christian Values are now under attack.
We have now embarked in the battle of all battles, a fight for souls.
Our Christian Army is not the largest, we are out numbered by Pagans and Socialist, so call Progressive and Evil Worshipers, and secularist, but we have God's Grace on our side and the knowledge that our goal in life is not to rest in this world but to rest in the beatific vision with our Lord.
The small battles, won or lost will not stop us, it is the war itself against immorality, against evil, against sin, that we will continue to fight.
If we are persecuted, as I do foresee for our beliefs, we are then persecuted in Christ, and will then join with the carrying of the cross of our Lord.
Christians unite, don't let a day go by in which you do not stand for your beliefs, do not get swept away in the culture of death.
Keep up the good fight and when you arrive in heaven, our Lord will welcome you by stating, "Welcome my good and loyal servant, welcome to the promise land, welcome to eternity in heaven."

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