Deacon Pat's Books

Deacon Pat's Books
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Friday, December 12, 2008

Sean's Birthday - 15 and growing up!

Don't you just love birthdays! It is a day all about you and gifts!

What in the heck is that?

Oh - You got 3 guitar wall mount hangers....... So you can keep your guitars off the floor...

I bet that gift was from MOM.

So what is in the big box?

Is it a vinyl boat cover?

No it is the Cool jacket you wanted.

I just didn't get it. I had that nice old windbreaker that I use to wear. It was given to me from my brother, who in turn got if from our dad, who got it from his cousin and it looked almost new. So what does this jacket have that the old windbreaker didn't?

OK I get it......

You wanted to go for the "Speed Racer" look, or is it Rex Racer....

I get those two guys mixed up.

And finally the last gift: A microphone pick-up for your acoustic guitar.

The present list:

1. Guitar wall mount brackets (Cheap)

2. Speed Racer Jacket (Not so Cheap)

3. Thingy for your guitar (Not so Cheap)

4. Parents who love you more than you know (Priceless)

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