Deacon Pat's Books

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Saturday, January 03, 2009

California Skiing / Snowboarding (Mount Shasta)

I had a vision last night that Mount Shasta Ski Park would be beautiful and sunny and that I just had to take my family there today.......
OK, maybe not a vision but I did look at the weather report and it said
"Sunny and 35 degrees"...... So we planned to go skiing / boarding.
I grabbed my son (Sean)

and my daughter (Mackenzie)

Sean grabbed his friend (Steve),
we woke up at the crack of dawn, and were on the slopes at 8:30 am.
It was Steve's first time boarding,
so Sean and Steve hit the bunny hill for a few pointers.
Mackenzie and I hit the lift and made it to (Easy Street)
Mackenzie's favorite run.

Here is Mackenzie, each day she gets better and better.
Watch out Sean!

And Mackenzie took off down the slope.

Sean worked with Steve for a little while on the bunny hill.

Before you knew it, it was time for lunch
(Hot Chocolate and a Bean and Cheese Burrito).

Then back on the lift and off we went.

I would like to introduce you to Mr Steve Kim, better known to us as

Steve Kim "The Korean Heart Throb of Red Bluff."

Steve has been in this country for 3 months as an exchange student from Korea. Steve attends school with Sean and Sean deceided that it would be a good idea to teach Steve to snowboard.

He is Steve on the Bunny Hill.

Here is Steve getting off the lift on top of the mountain after 30 minutes of intense lessons from Sean "The self-proclaimed instructor to the stars."

Here is superstar Steve heading down the mountain for the first time.
Are you ready for 9 seconds of action packed adventure.....

(All kidding aside for a moment, Steve is a wonderful young man with many great qualities, It is an honor to know him.....And yes, he has a great sense of humor)

Here we are ready to go home.
Sean with a smile of content, and Steve with a "Concussion."

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