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Friday, February 20, 2009

Angry Sports Fan

I have a tendency to get overly critical at the Ref's at High School Sports games.
I think it started from Coaching (Football, Basketball, and Baseball) for 10 years and now that I moved my seat from the sidelines to the bleachers, it somehow affected my mind.

I have known for a while that I should be less critical.
I know that most Ref's are really trying to do their best,
but for some reason, I just let my loud criticisms flow.

Last week I was at one of my son's basketball games and there was a loud, angry, obnoxious man in the bleachers that looked just ridiculous in his vocal displays of unruly behavior.
Well , that is all it took, it hit me right between the eyes, I think I was looking at a mirror.
I didn't say an unpleasant word the entire game, how could I, I just witnessed 90 minutes of painful, gut wrenching self reflection that not only appalled me, but humbled me beyond belief.......
If I could only take back the poor behavior that I rationalized and justified oh so well.
It took a physical reflection to see myself as I am..... was......will never be again.....
Thank You Lord for Yes once again giving me yet another moderately painful, significantly humbling, extremely embarrassing, yet growth simulating experience.
Maybe only 3256 more experiences like this and I will begin to get it.....

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