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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Bishop Speaks Out Regarding Notre Dame Outrage

Here is a screen capture of the letter that the Bishop of Phoenix Thomas Olmsted sent to Notre Dame President Father Jenkins yesterday (on the Feast of the Annunciation) and has now permitted to be published:
I had hoped that with the election of President Obama, the issues of Life and Faith would become more black and white in the eyes of everyday catholics and that the Bishops would become more vocal with defending our faith and giving public guidance to their flocks.
It appears that my wishes and prayers are becoming fulfilled.
When it comes to Values, Morals, and Principles, we do not have the option of "Grey," it is "Black and White."
We are either Catholics or we are NOT!
If we do not believe and live by the teachings of our Church, we are not Catholics, we are Protestants!

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