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Friday, March 13, 2009

My Wife The Homemaker, The Most Important Job In The World!

When did being a housewife and homemaker all the sudden
become something Bad?
I was at a dinner the other night and found myself sitting with many people and having a nice conversation. I was awaiting my wife to arrive and join us. I told the table guests that my wife just called and that she was running late.
One of the gentleman at the table asked "what does your wife do" as everyone listened and partook in the conversation.
I responded "She is a homemaker."
There was dead silence........ No one responded.
After what appeared to be a long period of silence, I stated
"I think being a homemaker is probably the most important job in the world; she cares for our children, she cares for me, she runs our home, she is the core of our family"
What ever happened to valuing the Woman in her important role of
Homemaker, Woman, Wife, Mother?
I have had so many conversations with women who find such turmoil in their lives. They state that they are unhappy with their husbands, unhappy with their jobs, don't have time for their children, always behind with their chores, and overall are unhappy with themselves.
I usually ask the question ,
"Why are you working outside of the home
when you have a husband, children, and a home to run."
They usually respond by stating "I have to work, for the money."
Most people have 2 cars, a larger home than they need,
and spend 3 times the money on food than the really "need."
Many years ago, prior to my Dad's death, he sat down with my wife to calculate how much money a second job would give us when you deducted all the expenses associated with the second job (i.e clothes, gas, lunches, daycare, second car, insurance, taxes, etc. etc. etc)
We found out that for my wife to have a job outside of the home,
it didn't actually Net us anything.
I think many women are unhappy because the are attempting to achieve fulfillment in life by being married, having children, and then attempting to have a career. By doing all the above, their husbands are neglected, their children are neglected, their homes are neglected, and the women never find true fulfillment.
She never finds true fulfillment because she is neglecting the very thing she was created for. She was created to be the loving force within the family. She innately loves, protects, nurtures, and cares for her family.
How can you be there for the family when you are never there, at least not completely there.
You focus should be the family...... Not a job!
Displacing her attention on a career while children are at home
is only displacing her vocation away from the purpose of her life.
I was raised by a mother who while we
(My 5 brothers) were at home, was a full time homemaker.
There was never a doubt that she lived for us, loved us, was proud to serve us, and did so everyday with such joy and warmth that we knew it was inspired by God's grace.
We always felt important, we always felt loved, there was nothing more important in my mother's life than us, her family, and she proved it day in her actions, her dedication, and her loving relationship with us.
Why would any Mother want to sacrifice her role as a Woman?
How could making a few extra dollars, have additional cars, "Things," having a larger house, having nice and new clothes ever justify what you are abandoning.
Are "things" really worth what you are sacrificing?
Life is really about Love, Family, and Children, all other things are not important.
I am proud of My wife..... She is a Homemaker, she DOES MAKE OUR HOME the most wonderful, safe, comfortable, holy, heavenly place for us, her family.

And by the way, she is the wisest person I know.....

I truly know, and so many others also recognise that she is living out her heavenly vocation here on earth.

She has been, and continues to be such an inspiration for so many other women.

She gets it..... She knows what a true Christian woman is. She understands the dignity of a woman, the true dignity and character, not the false image created by our modern day culture, the same culture that is progressively destroying marriages, families and children.

Liz, you are the Best!

Your Number One fan...... Your Husband!

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