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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day (Mass Intercession Prayes)

For all mothers who will give birth today: that their love and care will inspire all to a deeper appreciation of the beauty of life:

We pray to the Lord

For all parents of toddlers: that they may lead their children to Jesus:

We pray to the Lord

For all expectant parents: that hope and indescribable joy might fill their hearts each day:

We pray to the Lord

For mothers haunted by the memory of abortion: that God might gently heal them of their pain:

We pray to the Lord

For all who are wounded by the sin of abortion: for the child, the parent, the doctor and all who have abetted this sin: for repentance, mercy, and peace;

We pray to the Lord

That Mary's humility and courage will serve as a model for all mothers:

We pray to the Lord

That women may cherish their ability to conceive and bear new life, and that men to embrace their roles as husbands and fathers;

We pray to the Lord

For those involved in the pro-life movement, that all their work would be pleasing to god, our father, and truly effective in converting hearts and minds to the gospel of life;

We pray to the Lord.

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