You external presentation is a direct reflection of your internal being. I don't mean your attractiveness or physical characteristics, but your emotional and behavioral presentation.
If you are full of love, joy, peace, and compassion it radiates through you and attaches to your encounters with others.
In contrast, if one is full of anger, sadness, and envy, it also radiates through the person and cannot be detached from their behaviors and actions.
Yes, one might try to suppress their inner void of love, but their attempts always come across as fake, or insincere at best.
Have you ever heard the expression that the eyes are the Windows to the soul?
I believe that the actions and behaviors of an individual are the reflection of the soul.
It really has nothing to do with what physical beauty one has been endowed with by our creator, because I have met so many people that are truly beautiful to me that lack physical beauty.
At first glance one might even say that God had withheld much by their lack of pleasing physical characteristics, but only moments later to see that their beauty comes from such a depth within them and illuminates their being with such profundity that it overwhelms any lack of physical gift.

In fact, their beauty is so superior that when compared to a beauty queen, the queen appears dim and somewhat lifeless.
If you find yourself acting in such a way that would not be pleasing to God, or clearly is not pleasing to others, take into consideration that these behaviors are a direct reflection of the shape that your soul is in.
One can judge themselves by the fruit of their behaviors.
Do your inspire others toward holiness?
Do you walk away from others and have made their lives' better in some way?
Do you bring out the best in others?
Do you see the goodness in all that you meet?
Often, what you see in others many times is a reflection of what you see in yourself...... think about it......Often, what you see in others is in fact exactly what you see in yourself......
So how do you fix this problem......
Confession right away. Clear the sin away from your soul, allow the grace of God to penetrate your being.
Daily Mass if possible!
Daily prayer time....... at least 1 hour a day, preferably in adoration of the most precious Eucharist, but if that is not possible..... 1 hour a day.
One might say I don't have 1 hour a day..... I don't believe you.
Make your relationship with God a priority, nothing else can have a higher priority than God, everything else flows from that relationship.
Finally - Serve others.....

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