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Thursday, September 03, 2009

What exactly is a "Real" Christian!

This is the best definition of a Christian that I have ever seen.
It was written by Saint Augustine as follows:

He is a Christian who follows the way of Christ, who imitates Christ in all things, as is written: "He who says that he abides in Christ ought himself to walk just as He walked."

He is a Christian who shows mercy to all, who is not disturbed by any injury, who does not permit the poor to be oppressed in his presence, who assists the needy and helps those in want, who sympathizes with the sorrowful and feels the grief of another as his own, whose goods all share and no one feels slighted, who serves God day and night, who reflects and meditates on His precepts at all times, who makes himself poor in this world to become rich in the eyes of God, who suffers himself to be despised among men that he may please God and the angels, who is seen to hold nothing concealed in his heart, whose soul is simple and spotless, whose conscience is faithful and pure, whose whole thought is directed to God, and whose whole hope is in Christ, who desires heavenly rather than earthly possessions, who contemns earthy goods in order to acquire divine.

As for those who love this world and who are content and well pleased with this life, hear what the Scripture says to them: "Do you not know that the friendship of this world is enmity with God?" Therefore, who ever wishes to be a friend of this world becomes an enemy of God.

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Do you think if all of us "Christians" lived according to this definition, the world would see and identify a Christian much differently that they currently do?
Do you think if all of us so called "Christians" behaved in such a way as defined above, the world would be a different place?
Do you think if we truly understood what living a Christian life really was, and lived that life completely, our lives might just look a lot different?
Think about it!

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